Tuesday, July 12, 2016

FBC Today


First Baptist Church is a historic downtown church in a community of more than 25,000 people.  The church program is focused around its two worship services (9:30am and 11am), Sunday church school program, music ministry, outreach program to youth and children, and strong men’s and women’s groups.  The church facilities include a traditional sanctuary with pews and stained glass windows, as well as an alternative worship area with space for the praise team.  The church space more than supports the current program, and recent renovations have provided updated office space and a renovated parsonage, currently in use by the minister.  The staff includes a full-time senior minister, office manager, and a custodian.  There are several volunteers that support the ministries of the church.

The Fremont community provides a regional center, within 35 miles of Omaha and 50 miles of Lincoln, the two largest cities in Nebraska.  The town promotes its concentration of antique and quilt shops and access to lakes and fishing.  With an agricultural and food processing base, the city has a growing Hispanic population that serves as a workforce for these industries.  The church’s outreach in its children’s and youth programs is addressing the diversity in the community.